How to create an iOS Shortcut to a Slack channel
To create an iOS Shortcut to a Slack channel, you need to construct a URL that looks like this:
slack://channel?team=[TEAM ID]&id=[CHANNEL ID]
The [CHANNEL ID] is easier to find first, so we’ll start with that
Right-click on your channel in Slack, and select “Copy link”.
Paste it into a browser. If your browser prompts you to allow it to open the URL in Slack, click Cancel. Look at the URL in the address bar – the bit at the end, starting with a capital “C” or a capital “G”, is your [CHANNEL ID].
If your browser does not currently have a Develop/Developer menu enabled, you will need to enable it now. Once it’s enabled, open the Javascript console (Safari: Develop > Show JavaScript Console; Chrome: View > Developer > JavaScript Console). Type boot_data.team_id into the prompt at the bottom, and hit Return. A string starting with a capital “T” will appear – this is your [TEAM ID].
You now have a URL that you can use in Shortcuts: slack://channel?team=TXXXXXXXX&id=CXXXXXXXX
You can trigger it by adding a URL action to Shortcuts, followed by a Safari Open action.